Website Revival

When I began working on this website about a year and a half ago, it was biased by a job hunt. At the time, I wasn’t satisfied with where I was at in my career. To advance, it was ideal to have a place to demonstrate some level of skill. As a result, I treated the content very mechanically and the authenticity I am now hunting for suffered.

While I grew up with the internet in a state more or less functionally similar to what we have today, it was amorphous and I lacked context for what it represented and how it was structured; a story as old as time, not understanding what you have until it’s gone. I want reduction in centralization and walled gardens. I want less dependencies and more efficiency. Most of all, I want to cultivate exploration in this intangible landscape.

I’m now reapproaching the content, structure, and mindset that goes in to having my personal corner of the World Wide Web. Already magnetically attracted to minimalism and simplicity in the analog, carrying these practices to my digital life has been a long-standing target. Along with the feel of my personal site never sitting quite right, I’ve been further driven by recent articles such as this one by Bradley Taut or another by Tania Rascia to focus less on fitting content within an imaginary box.

So here it is–a rebuild from the ground up. I’ve started from zero. No themes, no pre-built CSS, nada. There is, of course, copy-pasted snippets and inspriation from many sources, but this incantation of symbols is 100% unique. By just pressing buttons in the right order, I’ve finally got something I can call my own–a place for me to treat mindfully knowing how it works from the bottom up, a place without pretension or bias or rigor. It can just exist as it is. Welcome…